Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Garden is doing well. Some mistakes but doing well!!!

Pic of the Growth of the Garden  

Harvest from 7/16/11

Alien Tomato

Alien Tomato 2

I cut open the alien fruit.  Not much to it.  Very odd, almost like 2 tomatoes in 1.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim! Nice garden. I have a few of the alien tomatoes too. In my garden, these fruits are the result of one or more fused flowers. Almost every one of my Brandywine's have had at least one. It's sort of neat but I think I should have let only one or two of these fruits set. They've been huge and looked promising while green. Now that they've started to ripen however, I've realized they do so unevenly between one tomato on the fuse and the adjacent tomato on the same fuse. There's a significant waste factor since one part will be over ripe, when the other is almost perfect. Live and learn but it works well with your blog post title, anyway. Do you have plans for a winter patch?
